Despite the frick collection’s claims that they will fully restore the russell page garden, the current proposal will destroy and alter numerous elements of the garden. as several landscape historians have stated in their testimony to the landmarks preservation commission, the new library tower will encroach on the north side of the garden, making it impossible to preserve the garden’s north wall. this includes the south-facing cornices referenced by the landmarks preservation commission when the building was originally landmarked, and the iconic elevated tree plantings at the top of the wall. the redesign will also include the installation of large glass panels in place of the north wall’s existing windows, which deviates from page’s original design. the glass panels and increase in height of the surrounding walls will lead to changing patterns of sun and shadow that will further alter the garden’s aesthetics. the russell page garden is a world-renowned artistic and horticultural icon, and we must not allow the frick to move forward with a redevelopment that eliminates its signature architectural elements.